Friday, August 5, 2011

I think I just learned something about parenting.

I have been reflecting recently on my relationship with my two and a half year old and wondering why things seem to have been a little easier between us. For a while, I am ashamed to admit,  I loved her but there was a lot of times I didn't really like her.  She was throwing tantrums, doing "naughty" things for no real reason, and worst of all.......she was refusing to sleep in the afternoon.

All mums would know that a baby or toddler's sleep time is like a taste of heaven on earth. It means rest, in the early days it might mean sleep for the weary mumma but most of the time it is a time of not having to clean up after, worry about, discipline, entertain  the little ones. I had it good for a while my baby and the toddler would sleep at the same time and I would get at least an hour of me time. Generally I would make a cup of tea, eat some chocolate (if it had been a rough morning) and watch T.V. It was lovely and I treasured that time even if I was rotting my brain (and possibly my soul) by watching "The Hills".

I can't remember how it started but she just decided that she did not want to be contained in her room (no matter what was offered), she would scream at the door until I let her out. For a while there I would go in and out but in the end I got so angry that I would let her scream herself to sleep at the door. Great must be thinking. I just could not deal with her. Worse still, even though I had Claire in a port-a-cot in another room she was screaming so loud that I ended up with two little people awake. You can imagine how happy I was about that.

I just felt like I was becoming an angry mum. I was constantly yelling at her and as I said I was struggling to like her. My husband noticed that she was also quite hard to get to sleep at night time and he suggested that we just drop the sleep all together. This suggestion did not go down well at all. I felt angry (again) and felt like I was owed her sleep time. I felt I needed that time for myself and was not willing to give it up.

A couple of weeks passed, and Claire was woken up more regularly and sleep was less frequent and I begrudgingly began to see the wisdom of what my husband had said. So annoying when they are right :). So I gave up on trying to make her sleep and decided to let her watch a movie or T.V. so I can have a little "me" time and then I do something with her like cooking. It is lovely now as she asks me "Mummy, can we do Tooking while Tare sleeps" (-she replaces C's with T's). So we have something special that we do together.

So as I mentioned at the beginning things have been much better between us and the change has not been in her at all. She is still a little bratty toddler, trying to push the limits and gain independence. The change has been in me. Instead of demanding my "me" time and battling with her to get what I wanted I have let go of these things and worked to come to a compromise with her where she feels that she is loved and she is getting one on one time with me.

Our time together has been lovely recently. Instead of being totally a Daddy's girl, I am now getting lots more of hugs and kisses and she seems to be enjoying spending more time with me. I don't claim to have all the answers but I feel that I have learned that it is not about changing her but changing my expectations of her. She is only two and while disciple is really important, if what I am trying to make her do is more about me and what I want, rather than what will benefit her, then it is me that needs to change.

There is still so much more learning and growing to do as a parent but it is nice when I get something right.

I just love spending time with this girl


  1. This is really interesting, Lisa. I am so desperate for the nap myself, and do much the same thing as you, it's like an oasis! But I have some very happy memories of doing just what you describe: quiet time cooking or reading with my Mum while Keiran napped. It's very special time for the older sibling to get Mum all to yourself. You're definitely onto something!

  2. I was just thinking about this the other day, I was saying to Paul that I have to decide if I'm going to have a nap too, do some cleaning, exercise, or have some play time (which is what I'm doing today!) The days when Indi doesn't have a very good nap I find very frustrating and get pretty cranky at her for depriving me of my quiet time!

  3. What a gift from God that you could learn this special lesson =) I can absolutely identify with you on the greif of loosing that time to yourself. Ella was at preschool and had slept all the way up until she went when Hayden didn't need as much sleep as her and dropped his day sleep far earlier than I had wanted him too. I had similar emotions to you, anger etc. And through it I got to know his little heart more and more. I tried to get him to play alone in his room but over time I realised he prefered to be with people and just didn't want to be alone =) So cute and now (2yrs later) he's just the best at rest time. Zoe sleeps for a couple of hours and he can play on his own quite happily, whereas before he just needed the reassurance of mummy presence with him. I love him so much - what a privilege it is to have little ones =) Thanks for sharing your experiences!

  4. Thanks Sheena -(Good to see you at the Women's convention) I think Em is the same and she wants to be around people rather than isolated in her room. Time will tell but I just need to put her first rather than myself. It is such a privilege to have these little people in our lives

  5. Lisa, so encouraged by this blog. Thanks for sharing your struggles with us! Emma dropped her daytime nap awhile ago and I've managed (by God's grace) to give her a rest time at the same time every day after lunch which she does beautifully. At the beginning it was a struggle but now she happily plays on her own very quietly in her play area or even in the living room on the couch next to me without talking. It means no nap for me but still time to read a book or check my email with no interruptions. She is so proud of herself when she's been quiet for a full hour! Aren't we always learning? And isn't God good in always teaching us and being gracious to us when we feel like we can't cope? Oh I'm thankful for Him and His mercies :)


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