Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why Do I Bother Going to the Gym?

Why do I bother going to the gym? This is the question I have been asking myself in the last few weeks, especially today. On Thursday we had then fantastic guest post from Lynda from All About Muma telling us the benefits of exercise and in my head I totally agree with her.

However in the last few weeks I have been really frustrated with my progress at the gym. You see, for the past three months I have been waking up at 5.30am (ok I really only get out of bed at 5:50am) every Tuesday and Thursdays morning (and sometimes on the weekend) to go to the gym. I have been running and doing weights and feeling like I am really pushing myself.

I'm feeling great and I feel like I look ok, but what has been really been disappointing me is that I am GAINING weight! Not just a kilo or two but around 3-4kg. 

When I first started at the gym I told my instructor as he prepared my program that I wanted to get fitter and stronger as I really didn't need to lose weight. I was hoping to a achieve these goals but I never thought I would put on weight (I'm sure I was secretly hoping I'd look a little slimmer and drop at least a couple of kilos). 

Over the last couple of months I have noticed my weight slowly creeping up. I ignored it at first. I knew I was eating well and exercising and people tell me muscle weighs more than fat. But today when I stepped on the scales and saw a weight that I only ever weighed when I was pregnant I did begin to worry. What was going on?

 After complaining to my hubby before I left for the gym, I started to think again about the reasons why I loved the gym and exercise. Because if if was making me less healthy for some reason I really should just stop. Here are my reasons I am came up with:

1. I love the way it makes me feel. 
2. I love running. 
3. It is great time out for myself. 
4. I know I am looking after my body. 
5. It makes me want to eat healthier food.
6. It is a great example to my kids. 

gym = luv

I always know when I really need to hear something because not only am I thinking it, my hubby also comes and tells me the exact some thing. It does make me listen.

This morning after the gym, he came in while I was having a shower and told me the same things I had been thinking. He said "You look great, you love the gym, you are getting fitter, it wouldn't matter if put on 100 kg". As much as I hate to say this :) he is right. I had to go back to the reason I am going to the gym. All the things I wanted to achieve, I have achieved. 

So I am not going to quit the gym. I'm going to keep going because it doesn't matter what I weigh as long as I know I am looking after myself, feeling great and being a positive example to my children.

Have you ever felt like exercising was a waste of time and effort? What motivates you? 

Linking up with www.essentiallyjess.com for IBOT

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