Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Blessing of Time

Last week I decided to take the kids on a road trip to visit where my parents live and stay with my Dad and his partner at their new house. It was a bit of a last minute decision to go and a little bit scary having to drive the kids 12 hours up the coast by myself. Before I went, I put the question to you all on Facebook and got some helpful tips for travelling with small children which I shared yesterday. What I didn't tell you was how amazing it was to take my girls away by myself.  I love my girls so much, but I find that in the busyness of life I don't give them as much of me as I would like when I am at home. There is always cleaning to do, or a blog post to write, or an outing head out to.

I began this blog as an encouragement to other mums (and to myself) to appreciate the blessings that children are. Sometimes I feel like I fail at that so often when we are at home. Being a natural introvert it is so much easier for me to retreat into my own thoughts even when I am playing with my kids. This past week was a great way to put all the stress of life out of my mind and just be present with my girls.

Of course the drive up wasn't all that easy to have time with them, but we still had fun counting, singing, chatting and playing eye spy. However, the little stops we had along with way were part of our fun adventure and it was a good chance to play and chat and cuddle.

A picnic with my little ladies

I have written before about how my kids prefer their dad over me so getting away with them alone was a nice chance to see that they do enjoy spending time with me. I love that they love their Daddy, but it is also lovely when all the cuddles and kisses are for me.

Our holiday was mainly for the girls to spend time with their grandparents (and me to see them too), but I made sure to take the girls out in the afternoons to have some time alone with them. It also gave my Dad and his partner some kid free time. The days I took them out, we went to get an ice cream and have a play by the beach. It was so special because they had me all to themselves and they were doing things they LOVE.

I introduced them to Bubble O Bill

I let them get messy
I let them run free on the beach
We went shopping for new swimmers & sunnies

Even though it was mostly all up to me to get them up and dressed and bathed and to sleep, I just loved being able to do all those things for them and give them my whole attention. It was also lovely not having to make dinner or thoroughly clean the house (Thanks Linda for her hospitality).

I know my hubby missed us terribly but for me it was such a blessing to really connect with my girls. I would love to do it again next year -if my hubby can bare it :)

Do you ever get away with your kids and really connect with them?

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