Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Claire: Everybody's BFF

My middle girl turns three today. I thought I would celebrate her birthday by sharing some of the things we love about her.

She wasn't born the most attractive of babies. At 4.4kg she barely fit into the beanie I lovingly knitted for her. She was however, the easiest and relaxed baby in the world.

As she has grown and her personality has emerged, we can see she is a born entertainer. If there is music she will dance (especially at church). She loves to make us laugh and to be silly. If we are not smiling she wants to know why.

She's never been camera shy but we are still working on her camera smile.

 She's super clumsy. If it can be tripped over Claire will find it.

Face plant in the sand

One of our favourite things about Claire is her ability to make friends. Whenever an adult spends time with Claire, they later come and tell us that they think they have a special connection with her. It first we thought it was lovely (and it is) but after the first ten people said it we started to see a pattern emerging.  She has a lovely way of making people feel like they are special to her. We are never surprised when people tell us that Claire is their favourite of our kids. We just laugh because we know that she has charmed another person. So sorry if you think you and Claire are exclusively BFFs. She does love you, but she loves  everyone.

We just love our funny little Clairey and want to wish her a very special third birthday. 

Happy Birthday Clairey, we love everything about you.

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