Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Number Three for our Family!!!

We can finally announce that we have a new little bundle of joy on its way. We are very excited however initially we were very surprised and so far it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride.

I knew it was possible from the moment it occurred and threatened my hubby that he would be getting up for every feed if a little person had been conceived. He laughed.....but little did he know that a few weeks later we would not be finding it so funny.

Our plan had been to wait at least another six months as we had our first two close together which was very well planned. We thought a September 2012 baby would be ideal but anything near that would be fine. God had other plans.

After being a little late I took a test and when two pink lines appeared we stared at it in disbelief. Both of us nervously laughing at each other...could it really be true? Of course we were excited as we love the idea of more children but it was so soon. Claire had only just turned one.

We had just started getting excited about the idea of a new little person when I noticed a little bit of spotting, then a toilet bowl filled with bright red blood. I was sure it was the start of a miscarriage and prepared for the worst...but it just stopped. An ultra sound later showed a little heart beat which we thought was wonderful, although a phone call from the doctor advised us that the heart beat was slow and it was measuring small for its age.

We had to wait two weeks for another ultrasound and on the day I had a mini panic attack before the scan, fearing the worst. However when we got there, there was the little person still happily kicking on. The previous scan had also been fine, it was just that they were going by my last period date which being my first cycle back meant that I ovulated later (which is why we made a little mistake..thinking it was past the fertile time).

So on Monday we again saw our baby moving about, sucking its thumb and looking very healthy. We are due mid March and we are hoping and praying for a really boring and easy pregnancy from here on.


  1. Congratulations!!

    We are in the process of planning for no. 3 ourselves and TTC from January.

    What a wonderful suprise for you!


  2. Congratulations Lisa! You could have written my story here. Our kids are born May 2008, July 2009 and December 2010 (14 months between the first two and 16 months between the second two!)
    Our #3 was conceived when we were using contraception during the fertile period. Ha! (I don't do the mini-pill for conscience reasons)

    I had the bleeding with my son (#2) and was certain I had miscarried - I bled for a whole week - at least the amount of a normal period, maybe more, and I went to the doctor to book a D&C (I had had one previously following miscarriage). Thank God he had me go for another scan first - and now I have a very healthy 2 year old boy!

  3. Lauren - All the best with TTC. Hope it happens quickly.

    Julie - how funny our stories are so similar! We have not been on the pill since before we had Emily did not want to until we were done with kids completely in case it lowered our fertility. Not sure what I will do now that we are probably finished after this one.

  4. Wow this is has been a scary ride!

    Praying that it all goes well from here on in. You have such cute bubbys, I can't wait to see pics of the next one. Xx


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