Friday, May 31, 2013

You Are What You.....Watch/Read/Hear.

You have heard it said that you are what you eat, but I have been thinking recently about the impact of what I watch, read and hear. A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you the post Pretending everything is ok. It was at that time that I realised the importance of what I am allowing into my mind.

When I was going through what I am jokingly calling "my mid life crisis", my mind was consumed with thoughts of how  my life could be better. They mainly focused around being more attractive, being more successful, having a different life etc. These thoughts are not uncommon, but the amount and strength of them was becoming a problem.

Be careful what you see, hear and what you say.

I have been wondering where these type of thoughts come from. Why, when I have a great life, a happy marriage and wonderful kids was I so discontent? In the past few weeks I have made a very deliberate effort to turn away from the things that I was focusing on. In doing this, I have realised that I had been filling my mind with very unhelpful images, and messages.

Most of the things in themselves are not bad. One thing was watching make up tutorials on YouTube. Not one or two but lots (so many that my 4 year old now asks to watch them). I was constantly trying to make myself look younger, prettier, more attractive. There were also movies and T.V. shows that I would watch and imagine a different life. A life that didn't involve kids or a husband. In some ways that seemed appealing.

I'm not sure if others struggle with these things (maybe they don't even notice they do it). I think most of us wish we had the lives of celebrities, or the wealthy or those who seemingly have it more together than we do.  If our minds are constantly focusing on these things rather than the life we have been given, how will we ever be content.

I have realised that, for me it is a matter of making sure I am very careful about what's going into my mind. It means cutting back on make up tutorials, turning off T.V. shows that I know are not helpful, and not typing David Anders into Pinterest (ok that one isn't really a problem for me but he is my celebrity crush).

The most important thing I have found that helps is replacing the unhealthy stuff with good stuff. For me as a Christian it means reading the Bible and seeing what it has to say about the importance of family and my role as a wife and mum. I have also found that instead of listening to music at the gym, I listen to podcasts/talks about strengthening my marriage and family.

During my "mid life crisis" my mind was filled with so much discontentment. Just a few short weeks later I am seeing the wonderful (and completely undeserved) blessings I have in my life.  It takes work, but I am going to continue to be careful of what I watch, read and hear because it shapes who I am.

It has been a while since I linked up but I'm back linking up for:

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