Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Along Came a Spider {Product Review}

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Before I had kids I was a little nicer to bugs. However, when my babies were born, as soon as I spied a creepy crawly in the house I would go into protector mode and that bug had no chance. I was especially fearful of a spider going near my little people, but I also freaked out about flies fearing that they may end up in my child's mouth and choke them.

I was just protecting my kids

A squish or a splat is generally a very effective method of removing a nasty creepy crawly but it is better (in my opinion) to make sure that they are not there in the first place. A few of my friends have had their houses sprayed by pest control people but that is not something that fits into our budget so I mostly resort to sprays to prevent bugs coming near my kiddies.

Recently, Mortein sent me a couple of their products to try out. At the moment we don't have lots of bugs in the house (apart from a few spiders who are taking advantage of our central heating), but in summer we have a seriously bad fly problem. It doesn't help that the kids leave the door wide open despite me yelling at them to close it.

I really like the Mortein pest control products I trialed. I especially love the NaturGuard fly and mosquito killer. It isn't like those scary sprays that feel like you are going to poison your family as well as kill the bug. Not only is it odourless, but it is also made out of 90% natural ingredients.  This product is also a mosquito killer which is perfect for our family as I am considered a delicacy in mozzie circles. I think I will also be checking out any mosquito repellent products available.I think when summer comes along these products will be a must have to keep those creepy crawlies away from my little people and from me. 

When it comes to bugs are you a sprayer or a squasher?

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