Share Your Passion {Calling for Guest Post Contributors}
What are you really passionate about? For me there are so many things and I am sure that you are bored of hearing all the things I am passionate about. With that in mind, I am hoping to start a series of guest posts from my readers, other bloggers and anyone else who is keen. I would love to have guest contributors share what they are passionate about. It could be anything from your faith, your family, fitness or even something as simple as your passion for chocolate :)
I am happy for it to be a blatant plug for your blog or small business but I also want to hear from non bloggers. If you have never written a blog post before don't be afraid. I can give you some tips. Who might get a taste for it and start your own blog.
If you are interested, send me an email ( and tell me what you would like to write about.
As soon as I have a few people to share their passions I will start sharing them on the blog.
I hope you are as excited as I am. If you know anyone else who might be interested share this post with them.
I look forward to hearing from you.